By on 28.10.2020

It also regulates metabolism, immune function, and inflammatory pathways. Vijaya Musini contributed to data analysis, interpretation of the final result, and editing of the final draft of the review. As planned, we conducted sensitivity analyses to see if there was any significant difference between effect estimates of outcomes given by the fixed‐effect model and the random‐effects model, when substantial heterogeneity was present. The result is presented in Table 6; there was no significant difference between results given by the two models.

How does alcohol affect blood pressure?

Drinking alcohol increases blood pressure and repeated drinking causes sustained high blood pressure. Alcohol consumption is an entirely preventable cause of severe hypertension (the medical name for sustained high blood pressure) in both men and women.

The aim of Bau 2011 was to determine the effects of alcohol on heart rate variability, so study authors did not measure and report DBP. For Buckman 2015, blood pressure was recorded beat to beat continuously, but DBP was not reported. Dumont 2010 measured blood pressure during the how does alcohol affect your blood pressure RCT, but study authors did not provide the before and after measurement of DBP. The aim of Fazio 2004 was to determine effects of alcohol on blood flow volume and velocity. Study authors mentioned that acute ethanol administration caused transitory increase in BP at 20 minutes.

Limiting Alcohol to Manage High Blood Pressure

Karatzi 2005 mentioned the method of blinding of participants, but it is not clear whether involved personnel were blinded as well. The method of blinding of participants and personnel was not mentioned in Dumont 2010, Mahmud 2002, and Maule 1993. In Cheyne 2004, participants were blinded to the content of the drink, but some reported that they were able to detect the alcohol by taste at the end of the study. Different types of alcoholic beverages including red wine, white wine, beer, and vodka were used among 32 studies.

When your blood vessels are narrower, the heart has to work harder to push blood around your body. There is some evidence that using one glass of red wine a day can help promote a healthy blood pressure. Rather, it’s believed to be caused either by the lifestyle of those who use wine in moderation or by the flavonoids that wine contains.

Gopane 2010 published data only

More RCTs are needed to study the effects of low‐dose alcohol to better delineate the dose‐response effects of alcohol on BP and heart rate. RCTs with measurements more than 24 hours after alcohol consumption are needed to see how long the effect of high‐dose acute alcohol consumption lasts. We classified nine studies as having high risk of bias (Agewall 2000; Bau 2011; Buckman 2015; Dumont 2010; Fazio 2004; Karatzi 2013; Maufrais 2017; Rossinen 1997; Van De Borne 1997). Agewall 2000 measured blood pressure upon participants’ arrival and did not measure blood pressure after the intervention.

Is high blood pressure due to alcohol use reversible?

Conclusion: Hypertension is rapidly reversible in the majority of heavy drinkers after the withdrawal of alcohol consumption.
